Credit Card Type Identification
Credit Card Account Number Verification - Card Type Identification
Credit Card Account Number Verification. This page provides information about identifying a credit card type from a card number's numeric range and number of digits.
Credit Card Account Number Verification. Card Type Identification.
American Express
Valid length: 15 digits. First digit must be a 3 and second digit must be a 4 or 7.
Diners Club and Carte Blanche
Valid length: 14 digits.
First digit must be 3 and second digit must be 0, 6, or 8. The ranges are:
300000 through 305999
309500 through 309599
360000 through 369999
380000 through 399999
Valid length: 16 digits.
First 6 digits must be in one of the following ranges:
601100 through 601109
601120 through 601149
601177 through 601179
601186 through 601199
644000 through 659999
Valid length: 15 digits. First four digits must be 2014 or 2149.
Valid length: 16 to 19 digits.
First 4 digits must be in the range 3528 through 3589.
Valid length: 16 digits.
First digit must be 5 and second digit must be in the range 1 through 5 inclusive. The range is 510000 through 559999.
First digit must be 2 and second digit must be in the range 2 through 7 inclusive. The range is 222100 through 272099.
Valid length: Up to 19 digits.
First digit must be 5 or 6. The ranges are:
56nnnn through 64nnnn
66nnnn through 69nnnn
Note: The range 60nnnn to 64nnnn is also used by Discover (see above).
Valid length: Up to 19 digits. First digit must be a 4.
Credit Card Account Number Verification. This page provides information about identifying a credit card type from a card number's numeric range and number of digits.
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